Thursday, November 25, 2010

What's Wrong With This Picture 2

From "Jewish deportees from the Lodz ghetto arrive in
Chelmno after having been transferred from a closed passenger train
to a train of open cars at the Kolo station."

What's wrong with this picture?

Answer: We are supposed to believe that Jews being sent to death camps were allowed to ride in open train cars without armed military escort - and that the Jews just sat there instead of heading for the hills.  Here a pot-bellied conductor watches as supposed "Jews" are reunited with loved ones at what looks like the middle of nowhere (most likely a train station before the picture was altered). Speaking of alterations, the most interesting discovery is that some Jews wore the so-called "Jewish badge" on their backs - especially those with their backs to the camera. It's a good thing they did, or we would have never known that the people greeting each other in this picture were in fact Jews on their way to the death camps


More backs-to-the-camera, back patch wearers...

Can you guess the purported identity of these "forced slave laborers?" (Source:

Jewish children (again with their backs toward the camera, but with badges conveniently sewn on their backs for easy viewer identification) waiting to be packed into crates and shipped of to the nearest death camp.

Nothing looks fake about this. (Source:

No comment required. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

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