According to his 1915 yearbook, Eisenhower was a "Swedish-Jew." The word "terrible" back then also meant formidable or awe-inspiring, which was obvious sarcasm as one reads on. |
The "Swedish Jew" General Eisenhower, already President-in-Training, poses for cameras after attending a Jewish religious service.
From " |
From 1955: "President Dwight D. Eisenhower spoke at the dedication of Washington Hebrew’s new building at Massachusetts Avenue and Macomb Street, NW." ✡Fellow Jew Harry Solomon Truman laid the cornerstone for this SYNAGOGUE in 1952, while Eisenhower performed the dedication in 1955. Separation of church and state, not synagogue/temple and state. EISENHOWER |
Eisenhower was raised as a Jehovah's Witness and became Presbyterian after he grew up.